In my opinion, one size doesn´t fit all but one thing is for sure, feeding only dry food is certainly not the best plan for dogs and cats. Dry food contains very little moisture, the content of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids is often very low and above all dry food contains antioxidants and preservatives which may have a negative effect on health.
But not everyone has the possibility to feed their dog or cat fresh food every day or pet-owners don't know exactly how to start. Meanwhile there is a lot of information about fresh food and BARF on the internet. But we are often overwhelmed by the flood of information. Unfortunately, there are also some people who just don´t know anything about this at all.
To start, it is a good idea to contact a qualified animal nutritionist. You will be given detailed advice on which feeding options are possible/available, how to meet your pet's needs best, and what to take into consideration. You will receive a first ration plan with detailed explanations and alternatives and will be fully supported during the conversion phase.
Talk to me about it. As our lecturer said:"Many roads lead to Rome".
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