
What is alternative medicine?

What is alternative medicine?

medication as we know it today, they had to use natural resources. In other words, alternative medicine simply means natural therapeutical procedures from the naturopathy such as classical homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, acupuncture, Bach flowers and much more.

Of course, conventional medicine is essential. Research has considerably progressed and classical medicine helps many diseases that cannot be cured with natural remedies alone. In the meantime, however, there are also many documented cases in which naturopathy has been able to help patients where conventional medicine just couldn´t help. 

Alternative medicine considers humans or animals individually and holistically. The aim is to find the cause of a disease, eliminate it and alleviate or reduce symptoms. The conventional medicine often treats only the symptoms.

The advantage of natural healing methods is that they usually do not have any undesirable side effects.

Further information

Presence Workshop in Germany for people interested in rabbits


This workshop is currently only taking place in Germany. Online workshops are planned.  

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