
IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD includes chronic inflammatory bowel diseases that can affect both the small intestine and the large intestine, a type of autoimmune disease that progresses in episodes. The main symptoms are vomiting, slimy-bloody diarrhoea and possible weight loss. The disease cannot be cured, but with a special diet and possibly medication, a sick animal can live well for years.

Due to the rather unspecific symptoms, which can also occur with other diseases, a diagnosis may be very difficult and requires a lot of patience from all those involved. The diagnosis is made in an exclusion procedure, tested: Feed intolerance, giardias, acute or chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, hyperthyroidism, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome.
IBD can also extend to other organs and appear together with pancreatitis. Differentiation is not easy. If possible, you should consult a vet who has experience with IBD.

Possible causes of IBD may be: genetic disposition, hypersensitivity to certain foods, disturbed immune system, giardias. Psychological components also play a role, as anxious animals are more likely to be affected by IBD.

An IBD diet basically begins like an exclusion diet with a single protein source for several weeks. After that, individual dietary components are successively added. The diet should be as grain-free as possible and contain few carbohydrates. Fat is generally not forbidden, but should be fed in small quantities. Additional naturopathic treatments such as medicinal mushrooms, homeopathy or acupuncture can favourably support the therapy

It is advisable to have a specific IBD diet plan prepared with the help of an experienced animal nutritionist. If you have any questions or need a specific diet plan, I will be happy to help you.


Sources: Heidi Herrmann, Ute Wadehn 

Further information

Presence Workshop in Germany for people interested in rabbits


This workshop is currently only taking place in Germany. Online workshops are planned.  

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