Consulting and service
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Nutrition, deseases and welfare of rabbits and rodents as well as possible treatments

Nutrition, deseases and welfare of rabbits and rodents as well as possible treatments

Unfortunately, our rabbits and rodents are often still treated poorly and underestimated. Many don't know that they are wonderful animals. Rabbits, for example, are very intelligent. They usually get house-trained quickly and learn to do their "business" in their "toilet".  Rabbits, guinea pigs and many other rodents must not be kept alone. They are very sociable and only feel comfortable when they live with their conspecifics.

What does animal welfar mean exactly? How large should the cages be, what must absolutely be in the cage  and what is under no circumstances allowed to be in the cage? Which is the most appropriate nutrition for these animals?  Which vaccinations are absolutely necessary? Which are the most common diseases and which therapies can be applied both conventional and naturopathic. I will be glad to help you.

Myxomatosis and RHD

Two particularly dreaded disease in rabbits are mixomatosis and RHD (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease). They are lethal for many unvaccinated rabbits, although more and more unvaccinated rabbits are now surviving these diseases. What can you do? Unfortunately, there are no remedies for myxomatosis and RHD. You can only treat symptoms. However, it is possible to support a diseased rabbit with the help of naturopathic means, among other things by strengthening the immune system and the liver, which is one of the most important measures for this disease.

I have a wide range of services and prices to suit your needs
First consultation
15 min
Revision of diet
Without adaptation
50 €
Revision of diet
With adaptation
From 60 €
Consulting package 1 (dog, adult, healthy)
Anamnesis, revision of actual feed and elaboration of a diet, with detailled information, change over plan, personalized dossier + 1 adaptation
80 €
Consulting package 2 (dog, adult, sick)
Anamnesis, analysis of present feed (if necessary) and detailed explanations, consultation with a veterinary and review of the blood analysis if necesary, elaboration of of the diet (for 1 week) individually adapted to your pet, changeover plan and assistance during changeover period, personalized dossier + 2 adaptations
from 100 to 120 € (depending on gravity)
Consulting package 3 (dog, in case of obesity)
Anamnesis, analysis of present feed and elaboration of the diet, with detailed explanation, with reduction curve, personalized dossier, consulting, change over plan + 1 adaptation
80 €
Consulting package 4 (puppy, healthy, 0-12 months)
Elaboration of the diet, growth curce, detailed explanations, personalized dossier + 1 adaptation
80 €
Exclusion diet in case of allergies (dog)
Elaboration of an exclusion diet plan, detailed information, personalized dossier, change over plan, assistance
from 100 to 140 € (depending on gravity)
Consulting package 5 (cat, adult, healthy)
Analysis of the present feed (if necessary), elaboration of a diet, detailed explanations, personalized dossier + 1 adaptation
60 €
Consulting package 6 (cat, adult, sick)
Anamnesis, revision of actuel feed, consulting with the veterinary and revision of blood analysis if necessary, elaboration of a diet, detailled information, personalized dossier + 1 adaptation
80 €
Consultation on rabbits and rodents
Welfare and diseases of rabbits and rodents as well possible trreatment
From 40 €
Therapy with medicinal mushrooms
In case of sickness or preventive, anamnesis, consultance with your vet and revision of blood analysis if necessary, elaboration of a therapy and/or change of diet, personalized dossier
Upon consultation
Interpretations and translations veterinary and pet owner
15 €/hour
Pet care
Currently only in Kassel! Conil on request!
from 10 EUR/hour
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